Healing/Learning Circles

Throughout the year I extend an invitation to gather in a group of people who are going through something similar and are in need of support, as well as herbal knowledge and consult. We will dive into whatever the topic, have activities and resources around it, and generally support each other with ideas, space holding, and stories.
Take for instance the change our bodies go through as women throughout the time of life between 40 and 60, the peri-menopause time. It has been pathologized for centuries and continues to be in our culture today. It can be a beautiful and powerful time in life, a time of gathered wisdom, while still having a lot of creative energy force. It is a time of knowing oneself well, and living the values we have held for so long. Women need each other during this time (and always), to share and celebrate and grieve, and gather tools and stories to make it through in a vibrant way.
Participation in the group includes a series of meetups, a deeper consultation with me, learning about herbal allies specific to the needs of this time, and sampling of remedies. Medicine making is sometimes included as well, along with special guests at times.
2 hour circle session per week for 5 weeks: $200